Grow Montana’s Farm Bill Advocacy Toolkit


As important work on the Farm Bill continues, the Grow Montana Food Policy Coalition is planning a Week of Action during July 28 – August 3, 2024, to build on the momentum generated to encourage lawmakers to expand and improve the Nutrition Title of the Farm Bill, specifically support for the Gus Schumacher Nutrition Incentive Grant Program (GusNIP). In Montana, GusNIP provides important financial  support to the Double SNAP Dollars Program (DSD), now in its ninth year. In that time DSD has served over 12,000 Montanans and has recirculated over $1.8 million into Montana’s local food economy.There is broad and bipartisan support to grow GusNIP in the Farm Bill and Congress can take action to help the program reach its full potential.

Though passing the 2023 Farm Bill is long overdue, this Week of Action does provide Montanans an opportunity to continue important advocacy with our lawmakers, letting them know that when the Farm Bill is passed, it includes robust funding for the programs funded by the Nutrition Title. 

Throughout the week and beyond, we encourage organizations and individuals to share compelling stories in support of GusNIP and Double SNAP Dollars in Montana. Please use the resources in this toolkit to help us demonstrate how GusNIP and Double SNAP Dollars is a proven approach that benefits families, improves public health, and generates returns for farmers and economies in Montana. 

The resources in this toolkit utilize the messaging of “Pro-Produce” and “Pro-Produce MT” to show that our citizens support the expansion of programs that encourage the consumption of fruits and vegetables.

The Coalition has also developed a sign-on letter to be delivered to Montana’s Congressional Delegates in early September 2024.  You can access both the toolkit and the link to sign the letter below to add your signature. Montana citizens and organizations are all welcome to sign-on.

For nearly 20 years, Grow Montana has focused on advocating for food policy issues at the state legislature. For the first time in our history, the coalition is stepping into the National forum by providing advocacy and input on the US Farm Bill as it is set to be reauthorized for the next five years. We have developed this toolkit to help our network learn more about the Farm Bill and opportunities for action. 

Read on to learn more about what the Farm Bill is, why it is important and how you can get involved. Also included is our Grow Montana Farm Bill Policy Platform that outlines specific changes to the 2023 Farm Bill the coalition thinks will be an improvement for Montana’s local food system. 

We have also developed a sign-on letter to be delivered to Montana’s Congressional Delegates in early September. You can read the letter HERE and you can add your signature. Montana citizens and organizations are all welcome to sign-on.

Grow Montana’s Farm Bill Platform